Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tell all Tuesday

I'm back again after a 5 day vacation!! I tried to get a blog post up before I left Friday morning, but it just did not happen. So sorry everyone!! I'm writing again in the Tell-All Tuesday linky hosted by My Day in K and Teach, Talk, Inspire! 

Did you guess my fib in last Tuesday's post?! It was number 2!! While I *LOVE* everything there is about Charleston, I have not lived there my whole life! I was born in New York City and when I was little, my family moved to South Carolina. I went off to college in Columbia, SC (GO GAMECOCKS!!) and after college my husband and my first teaching job took me to right outside of Charlotte, NC!  The other two things about me were all true! This week, the topic is Summer Snapshot! 

Being in the beautiful Lowcountry, we have TONS of beach options so my summers are spent chasing after my two little boys at the beach! We go as often as we can and we love to build sandcastles and find seashells! The beach we visit the most usually has TONS of sand dollars. Even though I've found too many to count, it's always fun finding new ones every time we walk the shore.  

Last summer we spent relaxing and didn't plan any vacations but this year we are going to Florida to visit my grandparents and take the kids to the Miami Zoo, Miami Seaquarium, and Jungle Island! When I was growing up we would go to Miami every single summer so I have many fond memories that I want to share with my boys now that they are old enough to handle such a long road trip.

File:Miami skyline 20080328.jpg
photo taken by Marc Averette

Lastly, our wedding anniversary is in the summer and just so happens to be today!! Today marks our 8 year wedding anniversary. Seems like just yesterday we were walking down the aisle saying, "I do!"


  1. I am so jealous of your beach time!!!! Happy Anniversary!!!

  2. Happy Anniversary!! It sounds like you have a fun summer planned. Have fun!

  3. Love your pictures! Looks like you have a lot of summer fun!
    Ashley and Brooklynn

  4. Jessica, the beach pictures looked beautiful. Happy Anniversary, how exciting! Thank you for taking the time to link up with us and share your summer snapshots! :)

    1. Thank you!! I'm off to read everyone else's link ups tonight!

  5. Love the beach too! Your little boys are just adorable. They will love the Zoo in Miami. How fun and that you are continuing that family tradition.Happy belated Anniversary!

    Luv My Kinders
